Thank you Eighth, you were chosen as the best class during May and June and definitely kwc congratulates you with a surprise this Wednesday 23. Thanks again for everything, because of your behavior, because of your attention and for being only like yourselves. Thank you Flavio, Rocco, Margarita, Flor, Diego, Ruth, Rogelio, Jonathan, Gianella and the rest, thank you class and please, do not change, you are really fabulous and don't forget that only if you study you will succeed in life, try to follow good examples and if you commit mistakes, it is okay but try not to do it again.

I really love you my class and you're the best.



Do you want to eat more?


Anorexia  is an eating disorder characterized by unrealistic fear of weight gain , self-starvation, and conspicuous distortion of body image. The name comes from two Latin words that mean nervous inability to eat in females who have begun to menstruate.


Anorexia was not officially classified as a psychiatric disorder until the third edition of DSM in 1980. It is, however, a growing problem among adolescent females. Its incidence in the United States has doubled since 1970. The rise in the number of reported cases reflects a genuine increase in the number of persons affected by the disorder, and not simply earlier or more accurate diagnosis. Estimates of the incidence of anorexia range between 0.5–1% of caucasian female adolescents. Over 90% of patients diagnosed with the disorder as of 1998 are female. It was originally thought that only 5% of anorexics are male but it is true.

I like...

I am someone common but sometimes I think I'm special.
I like pizza, fried chicken and hot wings with french fries and ketchup.
I like coca cola with too much ice and sometimes with lemon.
I like to spend time with my friends and to take pictures to different places, also when
I go to the beach.
I love my family, best friends and my career.
I love Lima and its suburbs, its stores and its lovely people, its gray days and its windy
I love Peru, majestic country full of wonders and beautiful beaches.
I love you, but what I love the most, I won't tell you.